We have a stable of powerful software solutions designed to help law enforcement and community corrections agencies more effectively and efficiently manage their offender populations—all while creating better outcomes for the communities they serve.
Secure 24/7/365 Web-Based Electronic Monitoring Platform

VeriTracks® is our secure, web-based, all-in-one electronic monitoring platform that receives, organizes and displays all data from our GPS tracking and Radio Frequency (RF) monitoring solutions. In addition, VeriTracks® is a powerful data management tool that acts as a repository for the entirety of an agency’s enrollee data. Powerful yet intuitive, VeriTracks brings together all the tools necessary to effectively manage an electronic monitoring program—regardless of size. VeriTracks comes standard with the following functionality:
Real-Time GPS Tracking and Monitoring of Participants
Enrollment of Program Participants
Multiple Google™ Maps Display Options to Analyze and Evaluate Participant Locations and Movements
Assignable and Customizable Participant Inclusion and Exclusion Zones
Customizable Reporting Protocols and Participant Risk Levels
Two-Way Communication with Participants via ENROLLINK® Platform
Customizable Alert and Event Notifications
Ability to Disseminate Alert and Event Notifications to an Unlimited Number of Recipients
Ability to View Individual Device Status and Manage Device Inventories
300+ Standard Reports and Robust Ad-Hoc Reporting Capabilities
Access to our proprietary Automated Crime Scene Correlation™ tool, that allows agency personnel to not only query its offender database to identify participants in that are close proximity to one another, but correlate participant congregations to the proximity of crimes within that area. Use of our Crime Scene Correlation tool can enhance surveillance of criminal “hot spots.”
All the Information You Need is Only a Mouse-Click Away
By design, VeriTracks was built using a powerful yet intuitive user interface that dramatically reduces the training needed to begin using the platform at an effective level. Users will benefit from being able to quickly and easily find, update and generate reports on the information they need. VeriTracks uses tiles to clearly define divisions of data and makes navigation around the platform extremely easy. The screenshots below show just how concisely information in VeriTracks is captured and displayed:
VeriTracks® Mobile
Convenient On-The-Go Access to VeriTracks

Use VeriTracks Mobile to Locate
an Enrollee 24/7/365
To ensure that supervising agencies and their agents have access to important tracking and participant data at all times, Securus Monitoring created VeriTracks Mobile to provide convenient access to our web-based electronic monitoring platform from Apple® iOS and Android® mobile devices. VeriTracks Mobile offers full access to the platform including enrollee tracking, quick enrollment and pursuit mode functionality.
Full Functionality
Once installed on a mobile device, authorized users can launch and login into the application from their device’s home screen. VeriTracks Mobile offers all of the functionality of the full Internet browser-based version agents use from desktop and laptop computers.
Familiar Intuitive Interface
By design, VeriTracks Mobile provides users with an interface that is based on the Internet browser version. The interface uses a summary dashboard allowing agents to intuitively navigate to the information they need (e.g., enrollee data, inventory, events, etc.).
Powerful Tools
The mobile application also provides agents with all of the functionality they use regularly in VeriTracks including:

Receive, Review and Clear Event Notifications
Right from Your Phone
Enrollments, including assigning devices and add enrollee photos
Confirming/closing events with a swipe while adding detailed notes about any event
View events on a map; view the last GPS location point associated with those events
View maps in the ENROLLEE TILE to see GPS location points for the last 24 hours
Initiate device commands (i.e., emit an audible tone, vibrate, Location Request, etc.)
VeriTracks Mobile offers PURSUIT MODE functionality that allows agents to receive GPS location points from a chosen GPS tracking device every 30 seconds. The application then displays the last three location points with directional arrows to depict travel direction and the enrollee’s current location is also displayed.

The ENROLLINK® platform from Securus Monitoring is a FREE smartphone application specifically designed to allow enrollees to actively engage with their supervising agent during the monitoring process. Available for both Android® and Apple® iOS smartphones, Enrollink seamlessly integrates with VeriTracks, our web-based electronic monitoring platform. The application is readily available for download from Google Play and the Apple App Store.
Once installed, Enrollink will guide the enrollee through a registration process that includes submission of three photos (taken with their phone’s built-in camera). Once captured, Enrollink will use its built-in proprietary facial recognition software to verify the enrollee’s identity by comparing those stored images with a new image taken each time the enrollee attempts to login in the future. As an added safeguard, the enrollee’s cellphone number is verified during the enrollment process ensuring that there is a direct correlation between Enrollink and the verified cellphone number that has been entered into VeriTracks.
By design, Enrollink provides enrollees with the ability to have ongoing electronic communication with their supervising agent(s) regarding many of the aspects that govern their on-going participation in a given electronic monitoring program. These include:
Location Verification
Enrollees can initiate a Location Verification in Enrollink that will verify their identity (using facial recognition software) and their location by providing a logged, time-stamped GPS track point of their location at the time the verification took place.
Secure Two-Way Communication
Enrollink provides the ability for Secure Two-way Communication between the supervising agent and the enrollee. This allows agents to quickly and easily conduct on-demand location verifications and provides a secure way for both the agent and the enrollee to communicate with one another when needed.
On-Demand Alcohol Testing (if applicable)
In the event that an enrollee participating in a SoberTrack® alcohol monitoring program misses a scheduled or on-demand breath-alcohol test, the enrollee can initiate a sobriety test directly from Enrollink. Like agent-initiated SoberTrack tests, each enrollee-initiated test will adhere to the protocols established by the supervising agency.
Change Schedule Requests
Requests to make one-time changes to an enrollee’s schedule—particularly regarding inclusion and exclusion zones—happens frequently and can be a complicated process. Enrollink streamlines this process by allowing enrollees to submit a detailed request for one-time schedule changes directly from the application. Supervising agents, in turn, can approve or deny the request and the enrollee will automatically be notified through the Enrollink app.
Updating Profile Information
Enrollees can inform their supervising agent about changes to their basic profile information (i.e., physical appearance or other material changes in their lives) directly through Enrollink. Updates requested by the enrollee go to their agent for review and when approved, automatically updates the corresponding VeriTracks enrollee profile data.

Location Verification
ENROLLINK allows on-demand verification of an enrollee’s identity (using facial recognition software) and their location by providing a logged, time-stamped GPS track point of their location at the time the verification took place.

Secure Two-Way Communication
ENROLLINK offers secure, two-way communication between the supervising agent and the enrollee making it easy for agents to quickly and reliably conduct on-demand location verifications.