Used primarily as a solution for curfew and home confinement programs, Radio Frequency (RF) technology provides a reliable and cost-effective way to manage low-level misdemeanors. Securus Monitoring Solutions offers RF electronic monitoring solutions with BLUband®, our ankle-worn radio frequency (RF) transceiver, and BLUhome®, our stalwart home-based RF receiver.

Bringing Radio Frequency into the 21st Century

Radio Frequency technology continues to play an important and integral role in the efforts of law enforcement and community corrections agencies to use offender electronic monitoring programs to manage offender populations. Knowing this, we took the initiative to upgrade BLUhome®, our home-based RF receiver to include features that leverage the most up-to-date technology including:
A Fully-Integrated Biometric Fingerprint Scanner
GPS Capabilities for Additional Location Recognition
4G (LTE) Cellular Modem for Data and Voice Communication
2.25” x 3.75” Touchscreen Back-Lit LCD Display
The addition of the biometric fingerprint scanner and GPS capabilities provide agencies with the ability to verify the location of both the enrollee and the BLUhome device at regularly scheduled intervals. In the event that BLUhome detects that the enrollee has moved out of RF detection range, the device emits an audible notification requiring the enrollee to prove they are present by authenticating their identity via the biometric fingerprint scanner. If the enrollee fails to verify they are indeed present, BLUhome alerts the agency via VeriTracks®, our web-based electronic monitoring and reporting platform.
What’s more, BLUhome also includes the standard features that agencies have come to rely on from the most reliable RF monitoring solution on the market today:
Accurate Recording of the Date and Time When Enrollee Enters and
Leaves RF Signal RangeBuilt-In Handset for Two-Way Communication
Adjustable RF Signal Range
In the Event of a Power Interruption, Internal Backup Battery Powers
the Unit for up to 72 HoursBuilt-In Memory Stores Approximately 10,000 Events
Seamless Integration with BLUband®, Our One-Piece Ankle-Worn Transceiver and BLUtag®, our One-Piece GPS Ankle-Worn Solution
BLUband® RF Tracking Solution

BLUband is our small, lightweight and extremely durable ankle-worn radio frequency (RF) transceiver. Designed to work in tandem with our BLUhome home-based receiver, BLUband records and reports the date and time when an enrollee enters or leaves a designated location. When used together, BLUband and BLUhome create an extremely effective solution for home confinement monitoring as the ankle transceiver and home monitoring unit continuously communicate with one another to monitor the presence of the enrollee while they are at home. BLUhome then directly communicates with our 24/7/365 Monitoring Center to report the enrollee’s curfew compliance.
BLUband is a feature-rich solution that has become the industry standard for RF monitoring:
Built-In Extended Battery Life
Rugged Construction, Made of Military-Grade, Hypoallergenic ABS Plastic
Immediately Reports Tampers Within RF Signal Range and Records Any Tamper Occuring Outside of RF Signal Range
Requires NO Special Tools to Install
BLUband was Designed to Seamlessly Integrate with BLUhome